(Copyright 2017, Simona Z. )
Full or partial reproduction of this article requires permission from the author. Going home from a New Year's Eve party last night, I started reflecting on the wishes of a Happy New Year that had been profusely exchanged among guests at midnight. 'I wish you a very Happ New Year!' shouted everybody with a big smile on their face after the customary countdown reached 1... A Happy New Year? For sure the New Year is going to have happy moments. But is it not setting the expectations too high when wishing somebody a FULL year of happiness? And what if the year ahead does not prove to be a happy one and it brings a series of challenging, difficult, upsetting life events instead? It's happened to me. It's happened to some of my friends in the past few years. I'm sure it's happened to you too. No matter how much happiness we wish for those around us, the year ahead will be a roller coaster of happiness and sadness, joy and frustration, excitement and disappoitnment. And being human is about experiencing all of this. Expecting to be happy all the time is just not realistic. If you recognize this, you will be mentally prepared to deal with those life challenges. And you will not feel ashamed to ask for support when you need it, instead of putting on a happy face all the time. So what are my wishes for the New Year? I wish you to peacefully accept life with its ups and downs. I wish you to have the strenght to smoothly navigate through the challenges of life. And if you can't find that strength, I wish you to find support and comfort in those around you. Related readings: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/constructive-wallowing/201506/put-happy-face-your-own-risk Comments are closed.